Friday 23 December 2011

A year gone by.

And just like that, it's almost 2012.
2011 has literally just passed me by in a flash. It is late December and this is generally around that time of the year when I look back in retrospect. Unfortunately for me, retrospection brings along with it a lot of regret or worse, that dull distant feeling of being suspended in the air, with no complementary emotion.
Of course, in comparison to the year before, 2011 has been free of any serious mishaps. If anything, I grew up from my mistakes, learned from them and they continue to guide me every day. For that, I am thankful. 2011 has also been a fantastic learning experience in terms of the Delhiite. Living with someone you have met after already having lived on the earth without them for a good 19 years is not easy. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do to not blow it all away, and don't we all have a marvelous knack of self destruction that way. And then sometimes it is blissfully simple. It is as natural as the sun breaking into the sky at 6:30 am,on the dot; never a minute here or there.
The last few months have been very tough. But they didn't catch me completely by surprise. Sometimes the good is interspersed with the bad, but sometimes you enjoy all the good at a time and then deal with all the bad. It's all okay. We're programed to handle it. We are never given even a little bit more than what we are capable of handling. And so we deal. Because it has to get better.
I am rambling.
The last few months made me grow up more than I thought I ever would in such a short span of time. They made me question my blind faith and perhaps made me smarter in a way, albeit less trusting. Betrayals, even the smallest ones, teach you important lessons. They teach you that innocence is a blessing, but to use that as a window to look at everything and everybody is foolish. The last few months taught me about disappointment and how it will never entirely stop coming. With time, you learn to move on faster or deal with them with a stiff upper lip. The last few months taught me I have perspective and immense courage.
When you are dragged out of your normalcy, you have two choices. You either wait for all the blows to reign in on you and then try to get up. Or you try standing up after the very first blow and deal with the rest as they come. And this time, I choose the latter.
The year was a rush of beautiful, happy things. And then there were the life-altering changes that would define the way I look at myself and my life from hereon. But all in all, I am entering the next year more proud of myself, more fulfilled and far more aware.

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful, Misha.
    I relate.

    Have a great year, love.
